Illness & Health: The Most Prevalent Cause of Death Worldwide


Illness & Health: The Most Prevalent Cause of Death Worldwide

Health is a state of total physical, mental and emotional well being where infirmity and illness are absent. There are many definitions used over the years for various purposes. The dictionary defines health as having good health, complete and being well equipped to cope with normal circumstances. To most people, health means that you are healthy and well although this is not always the case.

In essence health status is determined by four determinants, which include the total amount of energy derived from food, total daily food consumption, and physical activity. Each of these four determinants affects your overall well being as each can be influenced by other determinants. It is thought that the total amount of energy derived from food and daily food consumption influences both nutritional and emotional wellbeing and emotional health. Physical activity and your level of activity to reflect how much you enjoy life and how much you care about your physical health.

A positive well-being will have a major contribution to your mental health and emotional well-being. This positive influence can also be transmitted through your relationship with other people. When you have a supportive partner, you are more likely to feel emotionally supported and well-loved. However, a relationship with a partner who does not support you or love you can make it very difficult to maintain a healthy physical health profile.

Occupational safety is another determinant which will have a significant effect on your quality of life and your illness or infirmity risk. This is primarily due to two main factors which are work-related stress and poor work environments. Work related stress results from high levels of demands and responsibilities in an individual’s daily life, which can create high levels of anxiety and frustration and a reduction in productivity. Work environments that promote poor health and wellness include work which is unsafe, has dirty conditions and a poor level of hygiene.

The third main factor which influences our health and the risk of diseases such as cancer and heart disease is our genetics. There is good news though! The human body is capable of combating these common diseases and illnesses thanks to the advances in modern day health science. Thanks to the discovery of the human genome, which enables us to better regulate our metabolism, blood pressure and glucose levels and overall health.

In conclusion, let us take a moment to reflect on some of the main determinants which affect our quality of life. In the end, it is important to have a good balance between the two. Physical well-being and mental health are equally important contributors to a person’s well-being and therefore we should all strive to maintain both in order to achieve a balanced well-being. You should be able to improve your well-being by adopting a healthy lifestyle.