What Are the Causes of Insomnia?


What Are the Causes of Insomnia?

Sleep is a well-known naturally occurring condition of the body and mind, characterized by decreased consciousness, abnormally decreased sensory activity, decreased muscle activity and decreased interaction with surrounding environment during rapid eye movement sleep (REM) sleep. Some individuals recall very little about their sleep history, while others seem to be quite detail oriented. Sleep disorders can result in serious complications. Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder, which can lead to daytime sleepiness and physical impairment.

REM sleep, which is typically a non-disappearing stage of sleep, occurs three to nine times per night and is the most significant period of the human sleep cycle. Rapid eye movement sleep (REMS), which commonly occurs during the first two REM stages, is also important. Other sleep disorders include obstructive sleep apnea, periodic limb movement sleep (PLMS), and cataplexy. People who regularly nap during the day may have a problem with REM sleep. People who do not get enough sleep or experience disruptions in the quality of their sleep during the night are more likely to experience disruptions in day time sleep.

Rapid eye movement sleep occurs in four stages: stage REM sleep, stage of REM sleep, REM stage sleep, and stage NVP, which do not occur until morning. Rapid eye movement sleep takes place in about ninety seconds. Rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) occurs during the time that your body completes the dream process. A dream is an unconscious mental activity in which you take in information, visualize it, and then act upon it. In humans, a dream may last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes.

The goal of REM sleep is to make you think that you are sleeping. Therefore, most of your brain activity is carried out in an “on” state while you are asleep, carrying out the necessary tasks you need to perform. The brain uses different types of stimuli to help you decide when to be awake and while you are asleep. It is possible that if you are using different stimuli to decide when to be awake and while you are asleep you could experience some disruptions in your body temperature, pulse, or heart rate.

The circadian rhythm of your body determines how much sleep you need. The circadian rhythm is different for everyone. People who work the graveyard shift or stay up all night may require more sleep than others because their body’s clock does not function as it should during daylight hours. If you stay up late all night it is possible to sleep through the daytime, but it is not common. People who work the graveyard shift have trouble sleeping during the daytime because they are not accustomed to sleeping at a specific time.

All of the above factors contribute to sleep deprivation. Sleep architecture, or the arrangement of internal elements within your body to ensure adequate sleep and restoration, occurs in the context of a healthy lifestyle. Sleep architecture involves dietary recommendations to facilitate restorative sleep. A healthy lifestyle includes a consistent sleep pattern, consistent bed times, and avoiding substances that interfere with your natural sleep architecture such as nicotine and caffeine.