Health Aspects of a Rich Environment

Health is a condition of mind and physical well-being where infirmity and illness are absent. The concepts behind health are rooted in ancient philosophies and religious beliefs. Various definitions have been applied to the idea of health, with varying degrees of acceptance across time. However, in modern times what is regarded as health has become a progressive concept encompassing all facets of life from general fitness to mental wellness to cognitive therapy. In addition, the term has also been applied to identify the phenomenon of longevity, thus, “healthy” being a negotiable point rather than a definitive category.


The way we think about health has changed over the years. Today, a person is considered to be healthy if he has a strong immune system, is physically fit, has a low level of stress, is psychologically balanced and has a positive outlook towards life. While these criteria are important, more emphasis should be laid on the fact that a person who possesses all of these facets is said to be free from any kind of health condition or illness. Being healthy does not necessarily mean one cannot acquire diseases or other medical problems. It simply means that you are free from the illnesses that could potentially destroy your health.

The concept of good health is also associated with socioeconomic status. A healthy person tends to be sociable, well organized, skillful, goal oriented and confident. In economically challenging environment, having a good health status is tantamount to survival. For a person to remain physically and mentally fit, one needs to be able to bear the financial, physical and emotional stress. Poor health conditions imply that one cannot meet their basic needs and is susceptible to various illnesses which could cost them their lives and cause a loss in their ability to contribute to society.

Mental health issues include mood disorders, anxiety, panic, depression and other types of mood related disorders. They can either be the result of chemical imbalance in the brain or can be the result of environmental factors such as extreme stress. When mental health issues are present, there are chances that an individual may experience confusion, mood swings, memory loss, distorted perceptions, paranoia, agitation, impulsiveness and other symptoms that affect a person’s capability to function normally. Poor health care usually exacerbates the condition.

Socioeconomic status is important in reducing the odds of developing these physical and mental challenges. This is because people who have good health care experiences tend to have higher social well-being and are less likely to develop the challenges. Health experts agree that socioeconomic status can affect a person’s likelihood to develop a certain disease or to be subjected to particular health risks. This is because there is a link between how much stress and other types of mental health issues an individual experiences and his or her level of exposure to stress and its effect on health. Thus, people who live in comfortable environments where they experience minimal stress are less likely to develop mental health issues.

People who have access to health problems that are effectively managed may be at a lesser risk for developing some diseases or illnesses that are serious. For instance, people who live in developed countries have lower incidences of depression. Those who are exposed to social, psychological and economic stresses are less likely to develop heart disease, hypertension, arthritis, diabetes and other physical illnesses. This is because good environments promote healthy living.

Why We Settle For Bad Bedroom Sleep?

Sleep is a natural recurring condition of the body and brain, characterized by decreased sleep, increased sleep, lessened physical activity, reduced sensory activities, reduced brain activity and increased daytime brain activity. In humans, sleep is divided into three main stages: Stage I, Stage II, and Stage III. Stage I is the waking phase of sleep, where most of the nervous system and the central nervous system processes occur. It is also the stage where dream activity occurs, since it is during this time that dreams are perceived. Most dreaming is unconscious, but the dreams may serve as a guide to waking life for some people.


In Stage I, sleep is generally the result of the restoration of synaptic activity following a period of wakefulness. Rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) is typically the result of a thorough restoration of the central nervous system after a period of inactivity, usually one to two hours. REM sleep is frequently associated with hyper-agitation and cataplexy, which are recognized as motor and sensory symptoms of consciousness. In Stage I sleep, most of the cognitive processes are active, and memory consolidation and the regulation of mood are significantly increased.

For people with medical conditions, it is not always possible to sleep adequately and awaken refreshed. Insomnia is the most common sleep problem, with more than 20 percent of the population complaining of insomnia at least some of the time. The inability to sleep can often be linked to medical conditions, such as a change in the sleeping pattern caused by an underlying medical condition or side effect of medication. Insomnia is the most common reason for missed school days and disrupted schedules. Other common reasons for difficulty falling asleep include stress, environmental factors, depression, anxiety, and mental fatigue.

Each of the four stages of sleep is associated with a different set of symptoms or consequences. Stage I is the most inactive stage of sleep, resulting in a poor performance in cognitive tasks such as concentrating and remembering information. As more energy is drawn into the body, the person may experience increased heartbeat and breathing rates. Stage II leads into drowsiness and loss of voluntary control, and typically results in feelings of being sleepy, floating ordreaming. Lack of concentration and irritability may accompany feelings of being in a dream state.

Stage III and IV are the four stages of sleep that occur during sleep cycles. These last two stages are characterized by slow wave sleep (also called REM sleep), which is the deepest stage of sleep. The fourth stage of sleep is known as deep sleep, which most people wake up to in the morning. If these four stages are interrupted by stages one through three of non-REM sleep, the person will not be able to fall asleep easily.

Periodic Limb Movement is a valuable tool for retraining the sleep cycle. When the body is in a state of mild arousal, the brain’s clockwork wakes the organism up to prepare it for a new day and sleep. The rhythmic activity helps the brain to reset its internal clock. Periodic limb movement also helps in improving memory and mood and may even promote weight loss, according to some studies. However, it is not clear how the Periodic Limb Movement retraining affects sleep drive.

Types of Relationships


Types of Relationships

Relationships are part of life, and while relationships tend to end for many different reasons, they are not supposed to. People in relationships work together, compete with one another, support each other, and enjoy the company of their companions. A healthy relationship allows for growth, and often children are born into a relationship as a result. While relationships do require work, it can also be a satisfying, rewarding, and fulfilling way to live.

The most common definition of a relationship dynamic is that a relationship consists of four elements: two people who have a strong degree of emotional commitment to one another, a level of physical intimacy between them, and some sort of relationship skill (competition, trust, honesty). Though this is the most simplistic description, there are many other components that make up relationships. The following descriptions of relationships describe relationships in more detail:

Romantic relationships are based on deep feelings and intense desire. Romantic relationships are meant to be forever and if they do not include romance, then the relationship isn’t truly healthy. A romantic relationship can be healthy when both people involved remain open and honest about their feelings and their desires, and are committed to growing and changing the relationship so that it becomes a truly fulfilling and healthy relationship in its own right.

Most all human beings seek some form of sexual attraction. Therefore, all relationships must have at least some degree of sexual attraction for at least some people. If you seek out a person to love and you find that the other person finds your sexual attraction unattractive and undesirable, then your relationship will not be healthy. The important thing is that you know what you want before entering into a relationship, and that you are willing to work toward getting that sexual attraction to grow and become a passion.

Attachment theory says that relationships that involve deep emotional bonding are more likely to last longer than those that are strictly physical or sexual. If you find that you are in a relationship with someone that you feel intensely close to, then your attachment to this person is stronger than the attachment you may have to someone you are simply attracted to physically. If you spend time and create an emotional bond with this person, then you are likely to be in a satisfying relationship and it will be easier for you to make mistakes and learn from them, therefore increasing your chances for having a satisfying relationship and life in general. People who spend time creating strong emotional bonds and developing deep connections with other people are usually happier and healthier and this helps them to enjoy their relationships more than people who do not.

The most common type of relationship in modern society is the platonic kind. Platonic relationships are not based on anything else but friendship or an interest in each other, so they usually last longer than other types of relationship and they are more likely to end up being happy. A platonic relationship may start out as just an interest, but as time passes, the friendship may deepen and they may become more serious about being friends. This does not necessarily mean that they will end up dating, but if they do, the relationship will be more satisfying and lasting than most other types of relationships. If you are looking for something more serious than a platonic relationship, you should seek out more serious romantic relationships.

The Connection Between Wellness and Mental Health

Health is a condition where disease and other infirmity are either absent or limited. Over the years, various definitions have also been applied to health. One way to look at it is by looking at how health is defined in relation to the individual. The individual is what creates and contributes to health. The condition or disease that the person is suffering from is what defines health.


Individuals are made up of many parts – mind, body, spirit and emotions. When any one of these parts is diminished or disrupted, a person has to suffer. There are many causes of illness and diseases; these include stress, lifestyle and food habits, infections and other conditions that are not as common as they used to be. A person who suffers from an illness will find that she or he cannot lead a normal life, as well-being is affected. People with poor self-image, low self-esteem and stress are also at risk.

There is a concept of wellness, which is how individuals can maintain their optimum state of health. This optimal state of health requires that all components of the mind and body are in perfect balance. Stress and eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia often lead to poor balance. Healthy diet and exercise can help bring the mind and body back into balance, enabling an individual to maintain wellness.

Stress is very common and can affect both the physical and mental health status of an individual. If you are constantly feeling stressed out or if you are always running short on time for work, this will affect your health. In order to prevent stress-related diseases such as high blood pressure, depression and insomnia, you should identify your stressors and try to avoid these as much as possible. You should also try to get regular exercise and eat a balanced diet, which will help you maintain your optimal personal health status.

Poor physical wellness can also lead to various illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. These illnesses are associated with physical conditions that are not properly treated. It is therefore important that you get regular checkups and have your blood pressure taken periodically. When you have a healthy lifestyle and are physically fit, you are less likely to develop many illnesses that are associated with other physical factors and poor wellness.

Your lifestyle and physical health can affect each other. You must incorporate a well-balanced lifestyle with healthy eating habits, regular exercise and a balanced diet. These can all go a long way toward helping you maintain a healthy mental health.

The 4 Stages of Sleep – Why You Wake Up Too Late and How to Avoid it

Sleep is a well-known naturally occurring condition of body and mind, often characterized by decreased awareness, decreased daytime sensory activity, decreased muscle activity and mobility during slow eye movement sleep (REM) sleep, and decreased social interactions with the surrounding environment during REM sleep. Sleep is crucial for maintaining our health and well-being, promoting healing, and eliminating certain diseases and conditions. We spend approximately half of our lifetime asleep and much of our waking life in a state of deep sleep. Sleep disorders occur when the quality of sleep is less than optimal or absent.


Sleep stages are based on the duration and stage of sleep. Stage one of sleep is typically referred to as non-rem sleep or stages three and is the deepest stage of sleep. Stage two is usually referred to as REM sleep or rapid eye movement sleep stage three. Rapid eye movement sleep or rapid eye movement is also known as dreams or nocturnal sleep.

Individuals have differing sleep requirements according to their bodies. Individuals that normally require more sleep at night may be able to get by on fewer hours of sleep if they sleep in a quiet room instead of going to sleep in a bed. Conversely, individuals who need more sleep may need to go to bed earlier and take naps during the day. The degree of your need for sleep will depend on your age, physical health, lifestyle, and the symptoms of your medical conditions. If you suffer from any of these conditions, you should ensure that you get enough sleep.

Sleep cycles consist of four stages: light, restful, deep, and wakefulness. At each stage of sleep, the brain releases chemicals (serotonin and melatonin) to help maintain the normal cycle of the body’s waking functions. The amount of sleep you need depends on the duration of each stage of sleep. For example, if you spend four hours in deep sleep, you will require less sleep than someone who sleeps for four hours in light sleep.

Although it may be hard to believe, a lack of sleep can actually cause diabetes. People who are chronically deprived of sleep are much more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who are in reasonably good health. Although it is difficult to prevent this unfortunate side effect, there are things you can do to alleviate the risk. Getting more exercise, reducing stress, and making sure that you are getting enough sleep are good ways to avoid diabetes. Although it may seem difficult to make a sleeping schedule, it is important to try to get as much sleep as possible during the day and to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.

As you can see, there are many consequences of falling asleep faster than you should. The four stages of sleep are meant to help your body to establish a pattern for the day and to help you fall asleep at the right time. If you do fall asleep in time, however, you run the risk of waking up too early or too late and the reverse can also happen. In order to avoid these consequences, you need to ensure that you get as much of REM sleep each night as possible.